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Unread 15-10-2012, 06:17 PM
Time For Heroes
Smile Just got a cheque from Drasdo

I have been paying in to the Phoenix Fund for a few years now, probably about five, and set up a standing order for £10 a month. Forgot all about it really but decided to investigate how much I had in there, turns out it was £690!

So to get an immediate payout rather than waiting for three months I left £40 in there and withdrew £650 and recieved the cheque today signed by big Duncan himself. It's gonna be a good Christmas
Unread 15-10-2012, 06:18 PM
red @rmy

Top daft red.
Unread 15-10-2012, 06:19 PM

£#%&!ing hell, I was in that but I just delete his emails... bugger!
Unread 15-10-2012, 07:11 PM

If we end up £600 short of buying the club.........
Unread 15-10-2012, 07:16 PM
Switching Off

So almost 6 years then.

"probably about 5"
Unread 15-10-2012, 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by Switching Off
So almost 6 years then.

"probably about 5"

Unread 15-10-2012, 07:37 PM
Time For Heroes

Originally Posted by Switching Off
So almost 6 years then.

"probably about 5"
It was about 5, I got some interest on it too.

Also got a cheque for £80 for my old phone on Saturday too
Unread 15-10-2012, 07:38 PM
Jack Duckworth

Originally Posted by Time For Heroes
It was about 5, I got some interest on it too.

Also got a cheque for £80 for my old phone on Saturday too
are you going to buy yourself some shirts that fit now?
Unread 15-10-2012, 07:44 PM
Time For Heroes

Originally Posted by Jack Duckworth
are you going to buy yourself some shirts that fit now?
Unread 15-10-2012, 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by Time For Heroes
I have been paying in to the Phoenix Fund for a few years now, probably about five, and set up a standing order for £10 a month. Forgot all about it really but decided to investigate how much I had in there, turns out it was £690!

So to get an immediate payout rather than waiting for three months I left £40 in there and withdrew £650 and recieved the cheque today signed by big Duncan himself. It's gonna be a good Christmas
At your service
Unread 15-10-2012, 11:21 PM
Switching Off

Originally Posted by Time For Heroes
It was about 5, I got some interest on it too.

Also got a cheque for £80 for my old phone on Saturday too
Unread 15-10-2012, 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by Jack Duckworth
been googling your name again, pal?
A bit harsh Jack. I haven't posted on here previously although lurked for a while but when a thread has your name in the title it does invite a response doesn't it?
Unread 16-10-2012, 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by Time For Heroes
I have been paying in to the Phoenix Fund for a few years now, probably about five, and set up a standing order for £10 a month. Forgot all about it really but decided to investigate how much I had in there, turns out it was £690!

So to get an immediate payout rather than waiting for three months I left £40 in there and withdrew £650 and recieved the cheque today signed by big Duncan himself. It's gonna be a good Christmas
Anyway - well done for having the foresight to sign up all that time back. You're perfectly entitled to take your money out at any time - no worries. Hopefully we'll see a few more signing up to regular savings in the next few months now the first phase of flotation has taken place. We're not promoting MUFC share purchase at this point (apart from a nominal single share) but that may change in the new year and we expect (with good reason) a further share offering within 12 months if not an outright sale.
Unread 16-10-2012, 12:09 AM
Bunker Buster

If you get the money back you put in, then that's a fair result....

We couldn't do it, we won't in the future....

Get a blog and an away travel website....
Unread 16-10-2012, 08:09 AM

There are few people who have put in as many hours, worn as many hats, solved as many problems, and devoted as much of their personal time ensuring that MUST runs on a daily basis than Duncan. Nearly the entirety of MUST's administrative apparatus owes its existence and good functioning to his tireless work. He's probably be upset that we wrote this, but maybe he'll also accept the immense gratitude and appreciation all of us have for his endeavours.
I bet he's not.
Unread 16-10-2012, 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by believe
I bet he's not.
Ha ha - I can't help feeling a sense of admiration for your fantastic cynicism.
Unread 16-10-2012, 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by drasdo
Ha ha - I can't help feeling a sense of admiration for your fantastic cynicism.
were you upset?
Unread 16-10-2012, 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by believe
were you upset?
About your comment?

No, it made me laugh. Good effort
Unread 16-10-2012, 08:37 AM
Thumbs up

Originally Posted by drasdo
About your comment?

No, it made me laugh. Good effort
don't let me keep you from your endeavours. keep up the work.
Unread 16-10-2012, 08:57 AM

If I could find my paperwork I might be tempted to follow Heroers lead. I could do with that tenner tbh
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